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New Membership

PLEASE make sure you have met with our Rabbi BEFORE filling out this Membership form. You can schedule a meeting with Rabbi Marc at

Check all that apply

Include parents if known

As you get settled into our community, we would love to have you become more involved. Whether you are interested in leading services, helping to create adult education or social programming, or driving an elderly member to Shabbat services, there is a place for you at Congregation Bonai Shalom. Please share any special skills or interests you have that may help us connect you to the right person to become more involved.

Check all that apply

Include parents if known

As you get settled into our community, we would love to have you become more involved. Whether you are interested in leading services, helping to create adult education or social programming, or driving an elderly member to Shabbat services, there is a place for you at Congregation Bonai Shalom. Please share any special skills or interests you have that may help us connect you to the right person to become more involved.

if applicable

I/we give my/our permission to take photographs of my family (including my/our dependent children) when we attend CBS sponsored events (including those held off of CBS grounds) and that these photographs may be used to publicize Congregation Bonai Shalom through online and printed materials.

PLEASE NOTE: Yahrzeit reminders will be sent out related to the Hebrew date, even if you only give the Gregorian date.

in English
Parent, sibling, etc.
Include Year
Include Year

in English
Parent, sibling, etc.
Include Year
Include Year

in English
Parent, sibling, etc.
Include Year
Include Year

Our policy is not to deny membership based on financial need.  If you would like to be considered for a dues reduction  please select your membership category on this page and then during checkout indicate your request for dues adjustment in Step X.
CBS membership is based on annual dues corresponding with our fiscal year, July 1 - June 30. CBS pro-rates dues for those who join between November 1 and June 30 of the following year.

Our policy is not to deny membership based on financial need.  If you would like to be considered for a dues reduction please select your membership category on this page and then during checkout indicate your request for dues adjustment in Step X.

All membership options include High Holiday tickets, with the exception of Associate members, who will either receive tickets from their primary synagogue, or will be required to provide a letter of good standing from their primary synagogue.
If you are joining mid year your Membership amount will be prorated and adjusted accordingly.

if applicable

We’ve been working hard to be good stewards of our properties!  New members of CBS are assessed a one-time Building Fund fee of $3,300, typically paid over six years at $550 per year. 

Starting this year, if you have requested dues adjustments you will automatically be billed $10 per month for your building fund contribution.  Please multiply the number of months between now and June 30, 2017 by $10 (example: 8 months x $10= $80) and enter that amount in the box above.  

If you have fulfilled your building fund and would like to continue to contribute, please enter this year's amount here.

Please give from the heart to help us fulfill our mission in the Boulder community.

CBS relies on the countless hours of volunteer time and donations that make up 40% of our budget. We ask that all of our members make a commitment to give, whether in time or money, according to your ability to give.


Thank you to our Aliyah members. Bonai Shalom has set its dues level at a level that historically supports 50 -60% of our community budget. We rely on contributions and fundraising for the remaining 40-50% we spend on our sacred community. The delicate balance of dues, contributions and fundraising has historically left us in many years with a deficit of 1-7% This year we experienced a deficit that works out to about $250 per membership. Your additional contribution at the Aliyah levels assists us to continue to provide a high level of service to the community and results in a balanced budget.

Aliyah Memberships are entitled to extra High Holiday tickets as follows:
Mensch - 1 ticket
Madrich - 1 ticket
Chaver - 1 ticket
Tomech - 2 tickets
Parnas - 4 tickets
Shutaf - 6 tickets
Shomer - 6 tickets

Dear Congregant,

The Kiddush following Saturday morning services is all about community. The communal Kiddush provides an opportunity to schmooze with friends and make new friends. Kids have the opportunity to play with their Jewish friends and develop positive memories of synagogue. KIddush is not only for current members but for potential members as well. It is an opportunity for non-members to get to know us.

In Judaism, sponsoring a Kiddush is a wonderful way to commemorate your family's simcha or a family member's yahrzeit. The sponsorship will be publicly acknowledged in the bi-monthly bulletin and in the bimah notes. Remembering your loved one and celebrating your Bonai Shalom community is a wonderful combination. Kiddush at Bonai Shalom is not part of our annual budget and is solely supported by sponsors. It is a mitzvah to share in communal meals on Shabbat and sponsoring Kiddush at Bonai Shalom allows our entire community to share in this mitzvah together.

A Kiddush can sponsored for $425 or co-sponsor a Kiddush for $220. This dollar amount is for a Kiddush for up to 75 people. If you plan on more people attending, there there will be an additional fee, depending on the number of people that you expect. A board sub-committee will work to match co-sponsors, to a date close to the recommended date. Please remember that we have the best Kiddush in town.

With gratitude, The CBS Board of Directors

Congregation Bonai Shalom is a membership organization working within a limited budget to bring you outstanding kiddush, programming, services and learning.  Our community works hard to ensure no one is turned away due to financial hardship. When requesting adjustments, we ask that you consider the value of Bonai Shalom in your life as it compares to elective expenses such as cable bills or gym memberships.  

Please note that Bonai Shalom has set its dues level at a level that supports the community but has historically resulted most years in a deficit.   We are limited in the reductions we can provide as the funds come from  the contributions of others in our small community. Approximately 30% of our congregation pays adjusted dues and 40% pay adjusted tuition totaling $140,000 or 25% of our budget.   We have researched and selected the nationwide reference of the fair share dues model for reductions which is based on Household income.   

You must have a payment plan in order and have paid 25% of your total dues by August 21, 2021 to be eligible for High Holiday tickets.

Enter your annual household income above:

It is CBS policy that if you are on adjusted dues/tuition you must have monthly payments set up via auto pay by ACH or Credit Card. Please help save CBS money and consider paying your dues by ACH (automatic withdrawal from your bank account)!

Note: To be eligible for High Holiday Tickets, at least 25% of your dues and fees and any unpaid prior-year dues and tuition balances must be received (or payment plan in place) by August 1, 2016.
Please consider making a donation to offset the $76 per membership CBS pays to USCJ.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784