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On Loan - Rosh HaShanah Day 2 5778

09/23/2017 09:27:44 AM


Hannah Kapnik Ashar


It’s late on Shabbat afternoon and Rebbi Meir is teaching in the beit midrash, the house of learning. Meanwhile back at home, his two sons pass away.Their mother, Beruria, lays them down on their bed and spreads a sheet over them.

As Shabbat is ending, Rebbi Meir comes home from the beit midrash. He says to Beruria, “where are my two sons?” “they went to the beit midrash.” “I expected them at the beit...Read more...

11 Months of Kaddish for My Dad

07/21/2017 09:32:23 AM


It is late at night on the eve of the first yahrzeit, death anniversary, of my dad, Alan Soloway, Aharon ben Avraham HaCohen u’Sarah, and I feel very reflective of the emotional and spiritual arc of this intense year. Tonight I was celebrating the joint Bat Mitzvah of Bella and Noa, twin daughters of very close friends in London at a very wonderful party, populated by well over 50 joyful teens and pre-teens and a lovely group of old...Read more...

A Statement from the Conservative Movement

01/31/2017 09:34:09 AM



This is a very important statement from the Conservative Movement that I feel obligated to share with the community at this time as most of my colleagues have already done.

Many blessings

Rabbi Marc


My New Podcast - A Dash of Drash

01/26/2017 09:32:02 AM



I am enjoying sending out a weekly podcast, based around themes in the Torah and in conversation with others.

It is called A Dash of Drash – check it out here on itunes or here on Soundcloud. 

We also have them linked here on our website.

I hope you will listen in some time!


Religious Behaviorism or Spiritual Materialism

01/04/2017 09:34:08 AM



Being in Jerusalem or London or New York, I get really used to the daily rhythm of joining, and sometimes, leading a morning minyan to start my day.  This is truer than ever before, now that I am in my year of mourning for my father.  There is something so comforting about starting each day with the same, familiar ritual of donning tefilllin and joining the chorus of chanting the ancient words of our siddur. ...Read more...

Worse Than Kapos

01/01/2017 09:42:43 AM



Often my Fridays include a visit with a wonderful woman in her nineties called Irene. Irene Rosenschein was raised in a shtetel in the Carpathian Mountains, then part of Hungary, now Ukraine. Most of her large family did not survive the brutality of the Holocaust, but she and three of her sisters all did and were all alive until just a few years ago.  Known as “die vier Shwester”, the four sisters, they were all in...Read more...

More Stories of the Land

11/30/2016 09:44:06 AM



Every day this sacred and complex land brings rich, new experiences and adventures and constant reminders of how many different stories there are to tell, each with its own perspective.  An infinity of narratives that contradict each other and yet they are all true.  My week has included learning Torah from Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbis; participating in services that are liberal and fully egalitarian,...Read more...

Walls, Rivers, Bridges, And Thanksgiving

11/24/2016 09:46:02 AM




On Monday I spent most of the day in Nablus, the Palestinian city also known as Shechem and a proposed sister city for Boulder. Having been involved in the opposition to this project, I wanted to see and experience for myself the culture of this place that is so close to the Israel that I know and love and yet an entirely different world in so many ways.  I was very warmly welcomed by everyone I met and...Read more...

Letting the Light In Through The Cracks

11/18/2016 09:47:17 AM



Have you ever been visited by angels?  Do you believe in them?  Sometimes they come in the form of human beings delivering us a special message or helping us see a profound truth in our lives, or to be a presence of comfort bringing us hope and healing when we are in pain. We have most likely all played the role of an angel for others at some point in our lives, even if we don’t know it.  In Jewish tradition,...Read more...

I Can't Sleep - Is This Real?

11/09/2016 09:51:46 AM




Yesterday, I wrote words of hope and reconciliation, appealing to the best of our humanity to uphold and work for the values that we most cherish, regardless of the outcome of this election.  Now, less than 24 hours later in the very early hours of the morning, I have to admit very honestly that I am in shock. Deep shock.  I have been so careful throughout this election campaign to respect the...Read more...

Lessons I have Learned as a Mourner

10/14/2016 01:40:13 PM



How Are you? and other Questions – Some Lessons I have learned as a Mourner by Rabbi Marc

How are you?  How are you doing? What’s up?  Questions we all ask, but what do we really want to know when we ask them?  In the midst of sitting shiva for my father, still wearing the torn white linen shirt that I ripped at the funeral, a childhood friend said “hi Marc. Nice to see you. How are you?”  It...Read more...

Rosh HaShanah 5777 - Within Our Circles of Justice

10/05/2016 12:44:40 PM



There once was a young man who went out into the world to seek justice. He heard the Torah declare tzedek, tzedek tirdof – justice, justice you shall pursue. Somewhere true justice must exist, he was sure, but he had never found it. So he set out on a quest that lasted for many years. He went from town to town and village to village, and everywhere he went, he searched for justice, but never did he find it. He went into...Read more...

Rosh HaShanah, Round Challah and Renewal

09/28/2016 01:44:41 PM


A Eulogy for Alan Soloway

07/05/2016 12:46:31 PM



Aharon ben Avraham haCohen v’Sarah  April 26th 1927 – July 1st 2016

Above my father’s hospital bed was a sign that said “name of patient, name you want to be known by, consultant, nurse” on the Dad and a new born 2016Read more...

Purim and our Dark World

03/22/2016 01:06:03 PM



The world feels so crazy and every day I am afraid of what the headlines will be when I turn on the radio in the morning.  Today I awoke to the horrific news of the bombings in Bruxelles.  As a European, this feels so close to home and like an attack on all of us.  How can we even begin to process this insanity and go on with our everyday lives?  How much more is this true as we stand on the threshold of...Read more...

Jews, Christians and Muslims Unite to talk about Gun Violence Prevention

03/03/2016 12:49:07 PM


Kit Colorado

Building our Tabernacle Together!

02/17/2016 12:50:31 PM



Last week we began reading the exquisite descriptions in the Torah of building the Mishkan, a special place of dwelling.  The whole community participates in this amazing project to create a very holy space.

Recently I had the opportunity to tour the new JCC across the street from us. I was so impressed with the depth of vision that has gone into this site and am excited for the grand opening in a few months...Read more...

MLK Day - The Only Way to get it Together is Together

01/18/2016 12:51:23 PM



This last Shabbat about 30 guests from the Boulder Islamic Center joined our community for a Kiddush lunch.  It was truly inspiring to watch the interactions and conversations as we engaged in a loving, human endeavor of getting to know each other and learn from one another.  The fear and suspicion that pervades our culture and tries to make us enemies did not find its way into Bonai Shalom on Shabbat and I feel proud...Read more...

On Becoming a US Citizen

12/17/2015 12:52:21 PM




Giving Thanks in Jerusalem

11/27/2015 12:53:14 PM



Thanksgiving in Jerusalem

This week it was Thanksgiving in America and I am in Jerusalem feeling full of thanks for so much here; the beauty and the passion; the courage and the hope of ordinary people wanting a different future; the incredible gift of reconnecting with wonderful friends; the opportunity to learn such deep Torah from the mouths and hearts of sages.

My week has been so full, it is hard to capture...Read more...

Reflections from Jerusalem - Wrestling with the Angels

11/22/2015 12:54:11 PM


I wrote a quick post on Friday before Shabbat and another on Sunday morning, each reflecting different components of  my extraordinary visit to this special and hurting place. They are below with the most recent first. Truthfully, the second post came from a slight misunderstanding and refers to a comment that was not actually there, that refers to Jerusalem as a “sad and crazy place.” It is that, but it is so, so much more too!....Read more...

How Open is Our Tent - Yom Kippur Day 5776

09/24/2015 12:55:23 PM



I am still haunted by the experience of walking into a large synagogue in Jerusalem for the first time one Friday night many years ago.  I had been invited to a Shabbat dinner in the neighborhood close to the President’s house in Talbia and was excited to get a taste of Kabbalat Shabbat in a new place.  Not one person greeted me, no one shook my hand or said Shabbat Shalom, nor even smiled at me.  The only...Read more...

A Reflection on Forgiveness before Yom Kippur

09/21/2015 12:56:34 PM




Tomorrow night we begin the deep journey of Yom Kippur, yet our tradition invites us to use the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as a time for apology and forgiveness, through deeds, words and the spirit of understanding and generosity which should embrace us all. This is not easy work and sometimes, we all know, saying those words “I am sorry. Please forgive me,” are the hardest to say. ...Read more...

Rosh HaShanah 5776 - From the White House to the Green House

09/16/2015 12:57:45 PM



“There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.” Says the farmer, poet, environmentalist Wendell Berry.

Our world has seen so many sacred places desecrated; we have seen Black churches burning in the South; ancient religious sites destroyed by the brutal, insane violence of ISIS; the lifeless body of three year old Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach; and the hundreds of...Read more...

From the White House to the USDA and Back to Boulder

08/23/2015 12:58:48 PM



I still have not fully processed this amazing honor bestowed on me by the White House as a Climate Faith Leader Champion of Change!  I am proud, of course, but also very deeply humbled, as not only was I in the company that day of remarkable activists, but I also was standing on the shoulders and at the feet of gedolim, giants, who have been working in the Jewish environmental movement for decades and have...Read more...

Rabbi Marc to be Honored at the White House

07/16/2015 01:40:34 PM



White House Honors Faith Leaders for Climate “Champions of Change” 

WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, July 20th, the White House will recognize twelve people of faith as “Champions of Change” for their efforts in protecting our environment and communities from the effects of climate change. These Champions have demonstrated clear leadership across the United States and around the world through...Read more...

My Weekend in Baltimore

05/04/2015 02:01:16 PM



It was almost a whole year in advance that I was invited by Rabbi Sid Schwarz to join the faculty of a retreat for rabbinical students across the denominational spectrum, on the theme of “spirituality and social justice.”  It felt like a real honor to join the teachers on this program of CLAL’s Rabbis without Borders. The venue was Pearlstone Retreat Center, on the outskirts of Baltimore.  What we...Read more...

Prayers and Help for Nepal

04/28/2015 02:02:46 PM



Our hearts go out to the people of Nepal after this most devastating earthquake that has taken over 4,000 lives, with so many missing, injured, homeless and traumatized.  We feel far away and helpless and all we can do is open our hearts in prayer and compassion for the victims of this massive disaster.  We can and should also give money to the international relief efforts.  Some of us like to give at these times...Read more...


04/14/2015 02:03:48 PM


The God I Don't Believe in or Whose Mountain Is It Anyway?

04/12/2015 02:05:02 PM



A teacher of mine recently told a diverse group of rabbis on retreat that “do you believe in God?” is a totally unJewish question.  In fact, Rabbi Sid Schwarz claimed that it is always the wrong question and not one we even have to answer.  Judaism can help us understand our own personal journeys of faith and struggle, our connections to each other and perhaps to something beyond ourselves, but it is not all about...Read more...

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784