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The God I Don't Believe in or Whose Mountain Is It Anyway?

04/12/2015 02:05:02 PM



A teacher of mine recently told a diverse group of rabbis on retreat that “do you believe in God?” is a totally unJewish question.  In fact, Rabbi Sid Schwarz claimed that it is always the wrong question and not one we even have to answer.  Judaism can help us understand our own personal journeys of faith and struggle, our connections to each other and perhaps to something beyond ourselves, but it is not all about...Read more...

Chag Sameach! Happy Passover!

04/01/2015 02:05:54 PM


Chag Sameach and Happy Passover from Rabbi Marc!


Chad Gadya - Goats Just in Time for Pesach

03/31/2015 02:09:56 PM



Not just one kid, but eight!  Beautiful, healthy baby goats all born in the week leading up to Pesach to Boulder’s Jewish Goat Co-op, also known as Beit Izim.  First there was Alfalfa who birthed triplets on Sunday with great help from Ru and Bob Wing and, miraculously, Bat Mitzvah student Becca 20150329_134628Read more...

Hametz and How to get Rid of It!

03/26/2015 01:05:49 PM



It’s terrifying and evil, resilient and pernicious and we need all of our physical and spiritual superpowers to wipe it off the face of the counters!  Yes, it is that time of year again when we are at war with our arch enemy, Dr. Hametz and his evil plan to puff us up into oblivion.


Why Did the Chickens Cross the Road

03/24/2015 02:13:09 PM



Farming and agriculture and connecting to nutritious, local food are central values for many of us in Boulder’s Jewish Community.  The JCC is The Chicken Farmers 2planning to have an educational, 2 acre farm as an essential component of its new home across the...Read more...

What a Purim!!

03/06/2015 02:14:19 PM




A Special Purim Message

03/04/2015 02:15:17 PM



Here we are on the brink of another Purim, the crazy Holiday of paradoxes where nothing appears to be what it really is and so much remains hidden.  The darkness and fear for the Jews of Shushan in the story told in Esther’s scroll is a mirror for our world, where macabre forces in the world, around us and within us are frightening and perplexing.  Some people find this Holiday so difficult to digest with its...Read more...

How Not to be Like Sodom

02/11/2015 02:16:09 PM



Rabbi Yehudah said: They issued a proclamation in Sodom saying: “Everyone who strengthens the hand of the poor and the needy with a loaf of bread shall be burnt by fire!” Pirke DeRabbi Eliezer 25

Most of us think of the sins of Sodom in the biblical tradition connected to sexual immorality above all else, with the brutal story of the Sodomites wanting to rape the strangers who have been taken in by Abraham’s nephew...Read more...

Got Story? Share it on Sunday at Cafe Bonai!

02/03/2015 02:17:41 PM



Vote for a Green Israel in the Jewish Parliament

01/18/2015 02:18:32 PM




Did you know that there is an International Parliament of the Jewish People?  It represents all of us and we can all vote and be represented in Israel.  The elections for the World Zionist congress are happening right now and you can make your...Read more...

"I Can't Breathe!" Parshat Vayishlach - December 2014

12/07/2014 02:19:38 PM



“I can’t breathe.  I can’t breathe.  I can’t breathe.”  I hear Yaakov crying out these words as he wrestles all night long with an angel that may be his own conscience, suffocating him to examine his integrity and take responsibility, standing tall in his world with authenticity and pride.  A voice echoed in all of us as we struggle to make sense of a broken world and stand up to play our part in...Read more...

Dedicating the Light and Dedicating the Light:  A Double Hanukkah Celebration!

12/04/2014 02:21:06 PM




A Very Sad Day in Israel

11/19/2014 02:22:29 PM




We woke up this morning to such terrible news and I have been feeling sick in my heart all day.  The brutal and viscous terror attack on people finishing their morning prayers, many of them still in their tallit and tefillin, in a Synagogue in a religious neighborhood of Jerusalem, leaves us speechless and stunned.  It is a shocking tragedy and an act of meaningless violence from which nothing good...Read more...

Living in All Four Worlds - Kol Nidre 5775

10/05/2014 02:25:07 PM




A Live Goat in the Tent on Yom Kippur!

10/05/2014 02:24:00 PM




Letting Go and Beginning Again - Yom Kippur 5775

10/04/2014 02:26:33 PM


How do you fall asleep at night after a long, hard day?  Music, candles, a little prayer? Curled up with your loved one?  Hugging your favorite pillow or stuffed toy? On Rosh HaShanah, I asked about how you wake up and spoke of grateful awareness and a wakefulness to a day of service to the world.  Going to sleep is more of a letting go, a kind of surrender into the darkness.  Some people have the tradition of...Read more...

Israel:  the Myth, the Dream, the Reality - Rosh HaShanah 5775 (Second Day)

09/28/2014 02:27:43 PM


The tale is told of an old man who groaned from his heart. The doctors were sent for, and they advised him to drink goat’s milk. He went out and bought a she-goat and brought her into his home. Not many days passed before the goat disappeared. They went out to search for her but did not find her. She was not in the yard and not in the garden, not on the roof of the study-house and not by the spring, not in the hills and not in the fields....Read more...

Waking Up More! Rosh HaShanah 5775 (First Day)

09/27/2014 02:29:05 PM



Waking up, Waking up more! Rosh HaShanah 5775 – First Day 

Wake up!  Wake up!  Wakey wakey, rise and shine.  Good morning, boker tov….Boboboboker tov!!! How do you like to be woken up in the morning?  There are so many ways we can transition from sleeping to waking.

On July 4th this year here in Boulder was the funeral of someone who will for sure be seen as one of the...Read more...

A Statement on Israel

09/03/2014 02:30:32 PM




This has been a very tough summer in so many ways, especially for our friends and family in Israel who themselves or their loved ones have been serving in the military, or having to go daily to the shelter or stairwells as the sirens warn of the perpetual rockets being launched by Hamas from Gaza.   I have also become painfully aware of the sense of frustration and isolation that many of the Israelis...Read more...

Reuniting with Long Lost Cousins!

07/16/2014 02:31:20 PM




A Bat Mitzvah to Remember - Tribal Blessings

07/14/2014 02:33:10 PM



I am delighted to say that all of the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs that we celebrate at Bonai Shalom are memorable and joyous We mark this rite of passage for a young person and celebrate the amazing achievement of learning and preparing so much in order to stand in front of the congregation and take their place in the community.  Most of our Bnei Mitzvah read Torah, Haftarah (a selection from the Prophets), get called up to the...Read more...

Lila Crank's Bat Mitzvah Dvar Torah

07/13/2014 02:34:17 PM


Lila Crank’s Bat Mitzvah Dvar Torah

Parshat Pinchas – July 12th, 2014, Bonai Shalom

by Lila Crank

Shabbat Shalom. I am so incredibly happy that all of you could be here on my special day and that I am here standing before you now as a woman. This is such a privilege especially because in places like Nigeria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, girls and women are treated with great disrespect. Some are shot at just because they...Read more...

Parshat Pinchas 5774

07/08/2014 02:35:14 PM



Laying Our Rebbe to Rest

07/07/2014 02:36:09 PM



Counting the Omer

04/28/2014 02:37:10 PM



Blessing of the Blossoms

04/27/2014 02:37:47 PM




Sandy Cohn Eulogy

04/01/2014 02:39:24 PM


Sandy Cohn – Shulamit bat Pinchas v’Chaya z”l

2/12/47 – 4/1/14

Eulogy delivered by Rabbi Marc on 4/3/14 at Har HaShem

Sandy would have loved to see all of us here today, people gathered from all over the country, family and friends.  So many people.  People she has adored. But she would not have liked the fact that it is all about her; she would be deflecting the attention away from her and back...Read more...

A Dram at the Mountain

01/15/2014 02:01:05 PM




My Day at The White House with AJWS

12/12/2013 02:41:26 PM




Happy Thanksgivukkah!

11/27/2013 02:42:20 PM



According to some, it will be 7,500 years before Thanksgiving and Hanukkah coincide again as they do tonight and tomorrow!

There are, of course, similar themes to these two holidays and when they converge, I suppose our sense of gratitude and appreciation for all of the large and small miracles in our lives, and for the people we love and those we don’t even know increase exponentially!

It has been a hard...

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784